Thursday, May 01, 2008

Difference Makers

I think all of us can remember that someone who put us on track for a successful career. Whether it was a college professor who taught the economics class that inspired you to become a financial analyst or the store manager whose words of wisdom sparked your interest in becoming a business owner; someone’s words and actions played a strong role in where we are today.

That’s why I read a recent Harvard Business Review article with such interest. In the piece, Kris Gopalakrishnan, the co-founder and CEO of Infosys Technologies, recalled the influence a physics professor had on his career. At the time, Gopalakrishnan wasn’t sure what direction he wanted to take. But some motivating words by the teacher gave him the confidence to excel and begin a successful career in the IT arena.

“Do what you love, work hard at it, and all will go well.” That’s the message Gopalakrishnan says he received from the professor. But it is a larger piece of that message that truly sticks with Gopalakrishnan today; one that he strives to share with others — and that is the importance of motivating people.

Gopalakrishnan says he uses the words and actions of his professor to inspire greatness in his own employees. In essence, he tries to translate his energy for the business to his employees, explain the importance of their roles and how they can mold the future. “My job remains the same as in 1981: to motivate one individual at a time,” says Gopalakrishnan.

Motivating individuals never goes out of style. Return the favor and help someone else find his way.


Perry Melton said...
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Perry Melton said...

Dave, I like the way you color your communication with others when you seek truth. I'm thankful that at least one conscious is always in tune and in rhythm with collective society as one best mind.

Dave Opton said...


Many thanks, I appreciate it.
